- Located in a warm but not too humid part of the country, with a choice of suitable health care options and a convenient airport with good connections to other parts of the country.
- Good, fast internet access available.
- Easy access to recreational facilities such as a gym, pool, maybe a restaurant.
- Convenient transport options if one doesn’t have a car.
- Far enough above sea level and/or far enough from the coast to minimise the risk of flooding from storms (including cyclones), tsunami, sea levels rises, etc.
- Not in an area likely to be flooded by river runoff or flooding, eg from heavy rain associated with cyclones.
- Facilities to minimise inconvenience from power outages of up to several days (e.g., solar power sufficient to keep some things running—though not the air-conditioning). This ruled out most buildings with elevators.
- The house or apartment must have no internal or external steps.
- Must have some way to separate my space from Eric’s space, with a sound barrier between us.
- Must have two toilets, and preferably two bathrooms.
- Must have good storage space.
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